Sustainability fund

Our framework for sustainable investments.

In this document, you will find information about sustainability for the management of actively managed funds in accordance with the Act on the Disclosure of Sustainability Information in the Financial Sector, as well as a framework for sustainable investments (which includes the Disclosure Regulation (EU) 2019/2088).

Kraft Finans manages the UCITS funds Kraft Nordic Bonds and Kraft High Yield. In addition, we manage various model portfolios.

Kraft Finans is committed to complying with and documenting the integration of sustainability risks in our investment processes. Additionally, we will incorporate environmental and/or social characteristics of various investments into our marketing. Kraft Finans aims to offer sustainable investments with consideration for the following:

  • Products that have sustainability as an investment objective
  • Offering products that promote environmental or social characteristics
  • Products that ensure sustainability risks are considered in investment advice and decisions, without the fund promoting environmental or social characteristics or having sustainability as an investment objective
  • Products where sustainability risk is not relevant

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