Letter to unitholders in Kraft Høyrente

Dear customer, Last week we were informed by the government that the state of emergency in which the nation finds itself will continue until after Easter. Before then, a new assessment will be made as to whether the measures should be continued even longer. The period we are now in can be challenging for each and every one of us, and [...]
Are you tired of zero interest rates?

- Today, private individuals and companies barely get any interest on the money they have in their accounts. By investing your money in a high-yield fund, there is a high probability that you will get a significantly better interest rate than at the bank," says Stian Pedersen. Pedersen is Head of Investments at Kraft Finans, and over the past year the company has experienced an explosive [...]
Letter to unitholders in Kraft Høyrente

Dear customer Another week has passed and it seems like we are right now in the middle of the storm. We're still operating from a home office and it looks like that situation will continue for a while longer. While this presents some challenges, it's important to be part of the necessary measures [...]
Kraft Høyrente has exceeded half a billion kroner

Kraft Høyrente was launched in August 2019 and just over six months later, more than half a billion kroner has been invested in the fund. On 26 February, the AUM measured NOK 571 million. On average, approximately NOK 100 million has been invested in the fund each month. The great willingness to invest in the fund can of course [...]