Anniversary days for Kraft Nordic Bonds & Kraft Høyrente

  Kraft Nordic Bonds is now celebrating its second anniversary, and the first two years have been very eventful. With a Nordic mandate, the fund has navigated through a historical period characterised by central banks' most aggressive interest rate hiking cycle, persistent inflation and geopolitical tensions at a global level. Solid returns Despite market turmoil and volatility, the fund has delivered a return of [...]

Kraft Fondene passes 4 billion in total assets

Kraft Fondene is proud to announce that we have reached a significant milestone with over NOK 4 billion under management. The assets under management reflect the strong confidence our investors have in our strategies and our asset management expertise. A journey of growth and trust Since our inception, Kraft Fondene has had a clear vision: Å [...]

Half-yearly update

At the turn of the year, there was a clear shift at the US Federal Reserve, which increased expectations of interest rate cuts in 2024. So far, there have been no interest rate cuts in the US, due to a strong economy and solid labour market. In the eurozone and Sweden, however, we have already seen interest rate cuts from central banks. The first half of 2024 has nevertheless been a strong six months [...]

Christmas greetings from the managers

"It's very pleasing that our high-yield funds are delivering as expected again this year. So far this year, Kraft Høyrente has delivered a return of 10.43 per cent, while Kraft Nordic Bonds has delivered 7.28 per cent. "The year we're about to put behind us can be described as a fascinating year, characterised by a lot of volatility. We have been through banking crises [...]

Kraft Nordic Bonds - Our new high-yield fund

The launch of Kraft Nordic Bonds coincides with the third anniversary of the launch of our first high-yield fund, Kraft Høyrente. In this three-year period, the world has been characterised by the corona pandemic, geopolitical escalation, war, inflation - and not least extremely volatile markets. That's why we're proud that Kraft Høyrente has delivered an annualised return of 6.65% on its third anniversary, [...]

Monthly report Kraft Nordic Bonds

Til tross for sommerdvalen ble august en eksepsjonell måned for Kraft Nordic Bonds. Fondet deltok i en ny emisjon i LifeFit. Selskapet er en tysk treningskjede som opplever stor vekst og er posisjonert til å etablere seg som en ledende aktør i det tyske treningssenter-markedet. Emisjonen ble gjort på attraktive 3M EURIBOR + 7%, i […]

Kraft Nordic Bonds

Kraft Nordic Bonds Fondet forvaltes av Øivind Thorstensen og Simen André Aarsland Øgreid (bildet) og har fokus på kredittrisiko i sitt mandat. Selskapene vi fokuserer på har lønnsomme forretningsmodeller, stabile utsikter og gode rammevilkår for fremtiden. Verdiforvaltning Fondets eksponering mot rentemarkedet vil primært oppnås gjennom direkte investeringer i selskapsobligasjoner, statlige obligasjoner, konvertible obligasjoner samt andre […]