Market update for December
Anniversary days for Kraft Nordic Bonds & Kraft Høyrente
Kraft Nordic Bonds is now celebrating its second anniversary, and the first two years have been very eventful. With a Nordic mandate, the fund has navigated through a historical period characterised by central banks' most aggressive interest rate hiking cycle, persistent inflation and geopolitical tensions at a global level. Solid returns Despite market turmoil and volatility, the fund has delivered a return of [...]
Kraft Fondene passes 4 billion in total assets
Kraft Fondene is proud to announce that we have reached a significant milestone with over NOK 4 billion under management. The assets under management reflect the strong confidence our investors have in our strategies and our asset management expertise. A journey of growth and trust Since our inception, Kraft Fondene has had a clear vision: Å [...]
Kraft Fondene: A Leading Player in the High Yield Market
Kraft Høyrente B has recently been recognised in Finansavisen for its leading return in the high-yield market (9.74%), based on Nordnet's fund list. "At a time when investors are seeking stable and predictable returns, our fund has shown a remarkable performance. The managers of Kraft Fondene have capitalised on the influx of fresh capital by investing in solid and liquid investments, [...].
Half-yearly update
At the turn of the year, there was a clear shift at the US Federal Reserve, which increased expectations of interest rate cuts in 2024. So far, there have been no interest rate cuts in the US, due to a strong economy and solid labour market. In the eurozone and Sweden, however, we have already seen interest rate cuts from central banks. The first half of 2024 has nevertheless been a strong six months [...]
Christmas greetings from the managers
"It's very pleasing that our high-yield funds are delivering as expected again this year. So far this year, Kraft Høyrente has delivered a return of 10.43 per cent, while Kraft Nordic Bonds has delivered 7.28 per cent. "The year we're about to put behind us can be described as a fascinating year, characterised by a lot of volatility. We have been through banking crises [...]
Monthly report Kraft Høyrente
Desember utviklet seg positivt, til tross for at markedet virket mettet og viste begrenset vilje til å ta på seg noe særlig risiko på oppløpet til årsslutt. Markedet fremstår fortsatt som relativt dyrt, med press på kredittpåslagene på tvers av de fleste sektorer. Risikopremien i det norske high yield markedet er blitt mindre attraktiv sammenlignet […]
Letter of comfort Kraft Høyrente
To unitholders, As we are now in a period of extreme volatility, which is affecting absolutely all markets, it is appropriate with a new manager's letter where I update a little on the status and time to come. In recent months, we have observed that most of the world's equity indices have corrected sharply downwards, and we [...]
Letter to unitholders in Kraft Høyrente
Dear customer, Last week we were informed by the government that the state of emergency in which the nation finds itself will continue until after Easter. Before then, a new assessment will be made as to whether the measures should be continued even longer. The period we are now in can be challenging for each and every one of us, and [...]
Are you tired of zero interest rates?
- Today, private individuals and companies barely get any interest on the money they have in their accounts. By investing your money in a high-yield fund, there is a high probability that you will get a significantly better interest rate than at the bank," says Stian Pedersen. Pedersen is Head of Investments at Kraft Finans, and over the past year the company has experienced an explosive [...]