
Kraft Fondene passes 5 billion in total assets.

This growth reflects investors' trust and desire to be part of our management philosophy.

On 23 July 2024, Kraft Fondene passed NOK 4 billion in total assets. Now, just three months later, we have reached NOK 5 billion. This growth reflects investors' confidence and desire to be part of our management philosophy.

A journey of growth and trust

In September, Kraft Nordic Bonds was the most net purchased fund on Nordnet, which has further contributed to the growth in total assets. The fund's return of 6.29 % in September has made it a preferred choice among investors who value an attractive risk-adjusted return. We invest in companies with profitable business models, strong management and favourable framework conditions for the future.

Since we passed NOK 3 billion in November 2023, it took eight months to reach NOK 4 billion. This time we reached 5 billion in just three months.

Return on investment*

Kraft Nordic Bonds B is up 27,59% year-to-date and 33,56% the last 12 months.

Kraft Høyrente B is up 19,72% so far this year, and 23,87% over the past 12 months.

Kraft Investment Grade A is up 7,11% since February 2024.

Thank you to our investors

We would like to say a big thank you to all our investors for their trust. So far this year and over the last 12 months, Kraft Fondene is the market leader in Norway within fixed income funds, led by Kraft Nordic Bonds and Kraft Høyrente. We are dedicated to continue as a leading player in the industry, and look forward to continuing our journey to deliver great results in the future.

*Return figures taken from Nordnet's fund list on 28 October 2014.

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