Investment team

We manage experience, knowledge and hard work for the benefit of our customers.

Øivind Thorstensen and Simen Aarsland Øgreid - Kraft Fondene
Øivind Thorstensen - Kraft Fondene

Øivind Thorstensen

Øivind holds a BSc (Hons) in Management and an MSc in Finance from the University of Lancaster. Background: Credit Investments (Principal Finance) – Investec Bank Plc, Credit & Equity Investment (Principal Finance) – Letter One, Portfolio Manager at Heimdal Høyrente. Employed at Kraft Finans since 2019.
Simen Aarsland Øgreid - Kraft Fondene

Simen Aarsland Øgreid

Simen holds a MSc in Business Administration from the University of Stavanger. He previously worked in wealth management at Skagenfondene. Employed at Kraft Finans AS since 2017.

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