Investment strategy

Kraft Fondene was established by Kraft Finans AS in 2018.


Our investment philosophy is based on


  • Predictable cash flows and low level of indebtedness
  • Professional and experienced management


  • Understanding the investment landscape
  • Knowledge of laws and the regulatory framework

Relative value

  • Assessment and optimisation of credit risk
  • Effective and relevant pricing

Portfolio management


  • Based on extensive experience and knowledge of credit and markets
  • Geographical diversification, with a focus on the Nordic region
  • Primarily through networks of banks, brokerages and other dealers

Investment process

  • Quality companies with a good track record
  • A qualitative assessment of leadership (history, performance and reputation)
  • Proven business model
  • Assessment of capital structure and cash flow analysis
  • Relative debt ratio and visibility on underlying cash flow
  • Understand underlying loan documentation
  • Meeting with management
  • ESG and corporate governance
  • Investment decision


  • Concentrated portfolio of 35-45 names
  • Diversification through the investments of the companies
  • Focus on individual companies rather than sectors
  • Maximise relative value across capital structure
  • Primarily focused on Nordic issuers

Risk management and reporting


  • Ongoing liquidity analyses (spread, depth)
  • Monthly reporting to compliance
  • Weekly measurement of actual trading volume
  • Daily oversight of number of orders and size

Risk monitoring

  • Market: Systematic volatility
  • Idiosyncratic and company-specific risk
  • Industry changes: Political, innovation, competitors
  • Interest rate risk

Stress testing

  • Testing of different credit default scenarios
  • Portfolio testing of extreme market scenarios
  • Sensitivity analysis of spreads, swaps and CDS
  • Worst case scenario analysis
Øivind Thorstensen - Kraft Fondene

Øivind Thorstensen

Simen Aarsland Øgreid - Kraft Fondene

Simen Aarsland Øgreid

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